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Available Now

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Maximum Retail Price Rs. 23999

Book now and take an early step towards a safer home for you and your loved ones.


Indoor air pollution can be deadly

Our health is only as good as the quality of the air we breathe. Foreign particles, toxic fumes, and bacteria pose a threat to our bodies every day. Emissions from our electronics, particles from heavy upholstery, fumes from cooking, artificial scents, cleaning agents, and more contribute to the pollution inside.

Our lifestyles warrant a means of air purification in our homes. Unhealthy air affects our health, eventually leading to debilitating respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Airborne pollutants are all around us. But with the Cerina Air Purifier, breathing clean air needn’t be a luxury anymore.

Smart health-enabler

Cerina Air Purifier uses a multi-layered filtration system including Ion and Plasma technology to inhibit 99.9% of bacteria, adsorb odour and smoke, and filter particles as small as 0.3 microns or larger — that's 99% efficiency in air filtration.

It intelligently detects the quality of air in the room and automatically functions in the appropriate mode to purify the entire volume of the room’s air three times every hour. It also alerts you when the filter is saturated and needs replacement. So, you needn’t worry about air quality or monitoring its filter.

Available in two color variants

Air Purifier

Smart Features

  • Smart Filter

    Enhanced multi-layered filtration process

  • Smart Connect

    Voice and app enabled control for seamless access

  • Intelligent Mode

    Conserves energy by calibrating fan speed to room’s air quality

  • Energy Efficient

    Consumes a maximum of 53W

Our Air Purifier employs a

Smart 5-stage purification process

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